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Join our Member Support Program for loads of special benefits & exclusive member-only discounts! Over $100 value!

  • Discounts on our famous Traveling Live Animal Programs (we travel throughout New England)
  • FREE copy of our first children's book "Jackson's Wild Journey" as a downloadable PDF
  • Access to exclusive member-only videos
  • Discount from supporting vendor (they ship nationwide)
  • Discounts from supporting vendor Best Friends Pet Hotel (locations nationwide)
  • Discount from supporting vendor (they ship nationwide)
  • Giveaway from the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University

Your membership helps support the work we do, and helps us provide the best life possible for our animals. The first 100 members will be locked in at a very special rate of only $11.99/year! We are constantly creating new content and adding supporting vendors to give you more value!